Saturday, June 30, 2018

More Remedy?

Another picture of remedy?

Again.  It's been a very slow month.  I just need to keep working to figure things out.  I've had some very interesting things on the mind lately.  I don't think I'm quite ready to talk about it just yet.  But soon. 

Here are also some gestures i did.

Gotta keep the ball rolling!  ♥

Friday, June 29, 2018

Princess Remedy

Had a bit of a slow month.  Still trying to figure out a lot of this mental stuff...  what a wild thing.

Did Princess Remedy from that one game called Princess Remedy

I think i was talking with shaunzy when I did this one.  Think it turned out pretty good.  Might have to go back and actually finish it. ♥

Also, some figures: