Tuesday, November 27, 2018

~Sailor DemBoots!

 Did a little drawing for DemBoots as a pokemon trainer!  

She was my first big raid on Twitch and proceeded to just be such a wonderful person.  Thank you so much again for everything!

She now goes by NeoMoon

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

~Panda Background for a friend!

Panda background for a buddy of mine!

She needed a background for her twitch page.

Im not sure how happy i am with it, but here it is!

Monday, November 12, 2018

~MoodBoard from 2018

Made a moodboard on stream!

The idea is to take your biggest inspirations and put them all on a single image to help give you an idea of what really inspires you.  It's to give you direction and point out similarities in the various styles you like.

I noticed I'm a big fan of brighter colors.  and simpler character designs.  Cell shading and character shapes.  Cute characters, futuristic.

Very fun exercise. I recommend it