Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Patreon... A very difficult step in the right direction.

Do I finally launched a Patreon...  It's been one of the most difficult things to force myself to do since finally facing my past and all the struggles that has brought me over the years.  The entire process of creating this patreon has been an increasingly rough journey.  For the first time I'm putting my self out there.  Putting myself in the "center of my world" so to speak.  And...  It's just hard to put into words how difficult it has been.  I was fighting myself every step of the way.  Quite literally EVERY step of the way.  I am incredibly grateful for all of the great people that have really helped encourage me that this is the right decision.  I am incredibly grateful for those that have been there by me and have supported me either financially, emotionally or just been there for me.

There is still a lot of growing to be done...  But i strongly feel that this is a step on the right direction. ♥

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