Saturday, March 30, 2013

Mar 29 part 2(?)

More drawings.

And Freakin' BERRY!!!

Think I have a new favorite video game character.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Starcraft 2 Heart Of The Swarm

So Starcraft 2 heart of the swarm came out and i beat it.  WOO!

Everything went on hold for that, but it's done.  Now to get back to business, but first... sleep!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mar 06

Spent a good portion of the day trying to sort out a nice schedule for myself.
When I make those I tend to do better with just about everything.

Todays pics!
I could really feel my vilppu studies coming into play this time around.  It makes me anxious and excited to do more vilpu! 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mar 05

It has been a while my lovely little blog! OH HO HO!
Ok, so I said I would say a thing last blog, so first here are the pictures.

And here is the thing!

Long story short, I found out that I have low blood pressure.  I've been trying to eat better and have incorporated red wine into my diet and have seen significant improvements.  It feels like I have a lot more energy than what I had before!  Only it seems to have made the good ol brain run in circles again where it's hard to focus on one thing at a time (hence the lack of art lately)  I just need to stay focused and keep myself on track.  WILLPOWER!!!! RAWR!!!  Maybe there's something i could add to my diet to improve thinking?  hmm.  I will see.

Till next time.  MORE TRAINING!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Feb 28

Wait, the month is over?  WAT!? XD
Month summary tomorrow.  Didn't get as much drawing done this month, but other important things happened!  will explain more when its not so freakin late.

About the art though, I tried to draw these quick, then instead of just rushing to the next, i went back for a little cleanup.

A quick reminder for those who might not know.
The reference for these are from.