Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Mar 05

It has been a while my lovely little blog! OH HO HO!
Ok, so I said I would say a thing last blog, so first here are the pictures.

And here is the thing!

Long story short, I found out that I have low blood pressure.  I've been trying to eat better and have incorporated red wine into my diet and have seen significant improvements.  It feels like I have a lot more energy than what I had before!  Only it seems to have made the good ol brain run in circles again where it's hard to focus on one thing at a time (hence the lack of art lately)  I just need to stay focused and keep myself on track.  WILLPOWER!!!! RAWR!!!  Maybe there's something i could add to my diet to improve thinking?  hmm.  I will see.

Till next time.  MORE TRAINING!

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