Sunday, October 27, 2013

Mini Update

Welp, it's been a while my old art blog.
I've been spending the past few weeks finishing up a lot of my old projects.  All of the main big projects are now complete.  The few that are left are rather small and shouldn't take up much time to complete and another I will be starting soon is rather small as well.

As I probably mentioned in previous blogs, It is incredibly difficult for me to focus on multiple things at once.  This was the main reason for shifting focus to finish off those things before I jump head first into massive art studies.  Through the course of the last year I have made amazing progress at rediscovering my love for art.  I have learned to look past the current state of things and focus on the big picture, while at the same time learning to really accept and appreciate the small improvements.  I've learned to not only give myself time to grow, but to give myself the opportunity to grow.  I've located many of my weaknesses, isolated them, and learned how to deal with them.

While there is still much room for improvement in many aspects of both my life and my art, I think I'm in the best position to finally settle down and take this art studying to the next level.  I think I'm ready for the next level.  This past year has been a year of rediscovery.  This coming year is a year of dedication.  Has it even been a year since this blog was made?... I dont even know... XD  but the fact of the matter is, I'm ready.

Art updates will resume within the next few days, and I am very excited.

I'll be setting aside a lot of things that got in the way of my art.  As well as fixing my eating sleeping and exercise habits.  It's important to keep in tip top shape if i want to keep my focus!

I will also be playing around with an experimental story telling method.

First thing first.   Need to keep up my training!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Update - Preparing for a Big Art Move

Just a little update guys.  I haven't really been doing a lot of drawing lately, but that doesn't mean I'm out.

I have been preparing for a "big art move" where I will be shifting my entire focus to art.  This is a thing I have wanted to do for a VERY long time but other projects and stuff have always got in the way.  Now that most of those things are finally coming to a close, I am more than willing to give this art move a try.

I will have more updates when the time comes, but I am very excited.

Also, non art related news, the entire government thing has got me a bit worried also...  Im trying my hardest to not let it get to me, but it's some pretty scary stuff.  This past week i have decided to fight the urge to keep informed on the matter, it's done nothing but hinder my progress in many areas.  Gotta keep moving forward.  Everything will work itself out I'm sure, it's not like being stressed over things i have no control over will do any good for anybody anyway.

I need to stay focused.