Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mar. 3, 2014 - Gestures

Wasnt expecting to do anything today.  I was pretty busy today then a friend was streaming some of the new south park game.

But I did manage to get these done.  These were all 2 min.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Mar. 2, 2014 - 2 Min Gestures, Robot Girl

First off, I uploaded the wrong image yesterday for the gestures, so if you want to see that the link has been updated.

2 Min Gestures.

Monster Girl Challenge Robot Girl.
I have a robot girl OC, So I drew Nona!

I gave her legs a bit more mechanical look to them, sort of like megaman type legs.
Also, It feels a bit like i cheated on this one haha, I might redo it later, but we'll see :P

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Mar. 1, 2014 - quick gestures - Ghost Girl

30 sec Gestures.
Im trying to get that flow going again. so these.
(Edit: Updated the correct image for the gestures)
Then the ghost girl of the Monster Girl Challenge.

Not as good as yesterday's reptile, buuuut anythings better than nothing right!?  Might redo her at a later date. We'll see.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Feb. 28, 2014 - Vilppu Chapter 5 - Gestures - Reptile Girl and new schedule

 Starting to feel a bit like a functional blog again, maybe i should start talking again.

I finally managed to get around to the good ol Vilppu again.  Instead of refreshing everything i just decided to head on to chapter 5 Cylinder.

I was still feeling a bit rusty from my lack of anything, and when he started talking about more in depth details on anatomy it only alienated me a bit more.  I had to suck it up and press on with the understanding that I don't understand anatomy to that level and just had to play along with this one.

Through my last few updates I've felt like i had some understanding of what I was doing but it still feels like im missing something.  I attempted to remedy this by this time focusing on the very basics of gestures.  The best way i know how to do this is through 30 sec drawings.  There isnt enough time to even focus on details.

Then lastly I finally managed to get the next Monster girl in the Monster girl Challenge thing complete.  A Reptile Girl.

Not too bad at all I'd say.  I'm just glad to be doing things again.

New Schedule.
Not a lot has changed since my last updates, but I'm just trying to deal with things better.  Schedules have always helped me stay on track so I went ahead and planned out my entire next month of  the usual schedule only this time I added little reminders to work on my art stuff.  I kind of have the sleep schedule under control, now to get everything else in place.