Saturday, March 1, 2014

Feb. 28, 2014 - Vilppu Chapter 5 - Gestures - Reptile Girl and new schedule

 Starting to feel a bit like a functional blog again, maybe i should start talking again.

I finally managed to get around to the good ol Vilppu again.  Instead of refreshing everything i just decided to head on to chapter 5 Cylinder.

I was still feeling a bit rusty from my lack of anything, and when he started talking about more in depth details on anatomy it only alienated me a bit more.  I had to suck it up and press on with the understanding that I don't understand anatomy to that level and just had to play along with this one.

Through my last few updates I've felt like i had some understanding of what I was doing but it still feels like im missing something.  I attempted to remedy this by this time focusing on the very basics of gestures.  The best way i know how to do this is through 30 sec drawings.  There isnt enough time to even focus on details.

Then lastly I finally managed to get the next Monster girl in the Monster girl Challenge thing complete.  A Reptile Girl.

Not too bad at all I'd say.  I'm just glad to be doing things again.

New Schedule.
Not a lot has changed since my last updates, but I'm just trying to deal with things better.  Schedules have always helped me stay on track so I went ahead and planned out my entire next month of  the usual schedule only this time I added little reminders to work on my art stuff.  I kind of have the sleep schedule under control, now to get everything else in place.

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