Sunday, January 1, 2017

Final Thoughts on 2016

I had a really interesting ending to 2016.  When 2016 happened I wanted that year to be "The Year of Focus!"  Setting everything aside to REALLY learn how to focus on my projects and and really grow into the artist and creator that I knew I could be.  But...  Something was really holding me back.  And I was really able to pinpoint exactly what it was.  That dreaded past that I had always avoided.  I finally decided to tackle that...  aaaannnd  I spent half the year working on that Draw My Life Project. haha.  Uploaded on Thanksgiving day Nov. 24, 2016

It was super scary to put all that out there.  But I knew it needed to be done.  Over my years of creating videos and managing this art blog I have somehow managed to really help people through their tough times in life and even inspire people to just create.  Be it fanart, videos, their own art, or anything.  It's just amazing to me that I was able to touch so many people in such a positive way.  And it just became more and more important to me to share my story on how the feelings are mutual.  They have all played a very important part of my life in helping me to really learn who I want to be and where I want to go as a creative person.  That video was my first BIG step in going in that direction.

After that video went live a very interesting thing happened.  The Brother and Mom saw it and were very proud of me for finally being able to talk about everything, and share it with my audience.  Then things just took a very interesting turn for the better.  Things have been really nice around here since that video was uploaded.  I honestly cant even recall the last time things have been this quiet around here.  I was really taken aback by their reactions and was not expecting things to suddenly calm down they way it had.  I was actually anticipating the exact opposite!

And that's where the year ended up coming to a close.  I was able to take some time to really look inside in a way that I'd never been able to before.  I've really set a good foundation for moving forward to 2017.

I've had my plans fail dozens, if not hundreds of times in the past, which makes moving forward all the more terrifying.  But it needs to be done.  I'm ready for success, and I know I'll never get there if I sit around doing nothing.

2016 Year of Focus ended up being the Year of Reflection.  So what does that hold for 2017?  Let's try the whole Focus thing again.  2017 is the Year of Doog!!!  ITS MY YEAR!


1 comment:

  1. Go Doggy! I believe in you. Also cool to see the art blog not dead
