Wednesday, April 25, 2018

New Design For Nona?

New design for Nona!

I've been wanting to do a bit of a redesign for Nona for a good while now.  At least her little outfit. I really like this look for her.  Something super simple.  I like super simple.  That's not to say the old outfit is gone.  But I like this one a lot haha.

Also, Im trying a new coloring method that's entirely new to me!  This method was suggested to me by twitch user Bear the Mighty.  I'm incredibly thankful for him taking the time to explain his coloring method and just generally being amazing and supportive.

This might be one of my favorite drawings.  Think i really nailed the proportions and style and ahhh I love it! ♥

Little extras:
Line Work:

Original Sketch:

Original sketch is actually super gross.  I wasn't feeling the proportions and everything just felt wonky.  Glad I ended up going back to refine it and didn't go forward with it haha.


These ol dudes again.  Silly ol gestures.

Really gotta do more of these.  Think these were from

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Sleepy Nona 2~

Redrew the picture from yesterday with a much better pose.

I like this one much more than yesterdays haha
I actually did this one after my warm ups.  It helped a lot with the proportions and just about everything else haha.  ♥

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Nona Sweater

Drew Nona in a sweater.

I don't draw Nona enough.  Now she's in a sweater.  ♥

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A Nona Redesign?

Been struggling a bit with Nona's design lately.  I don't think i ever really did any kind of proper design document thing for her.  So im just trying to figure out some of the little details!

Dont know how much of this I'm gonna use, but it was fun at least.  ♥

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

OK KO Side Character

Was watching OK KO and felt like drawing one of the background characters....  so i did haha

Freakin love this cartoon.