Thursday, May 31, 2018


This was the last one I did for the month.
This was supposed to be Raven from DC but somehow it looks like a frozen character.  I don't know.
But I like it  ♥

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

MerMay Day 22?

MerMay Day 22?, clown fish!

Missed a bunch of days...  but hey at least i got one extra haha  Technically day 3 but you know.
I tried to give this one a bit of a traditional look with some different brushes.  I kinda like it.  ♥

Saturday, May 5, 2018


Just felt like drawing Nona.

There were quite a few things that were off with this one.  Proportions look a little stranger than usual...  but ehhh.  at least i did something.  So I'm happy for that at least.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

MerMay day 2

Day 2 MerMay!
Had mom suggest the colors for this one.

Not too bad.  I like it.

Here were a few unused sketches for this day:

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Mermaid Nona

Attempting this MerMay challenge with Mermaid Nona!

Yep I decided to do the MerMay challenge thing!
And yea.. Nona's a robot mermaid now.   At least for May haha.  Funny though, I've actually been thinking a lot after I drew this picture on how something like this wouldnt REALLY break her lore.  Very fun concepts to play with.  But for now it was fun to do. 

I also tried that new coloring method this time around.  I'm really loving it so far!  It's a little strange playing around with the extra layers....  but i think it's something I could get used to.

Line layer:

My line layers are messy.  But I don't hate it?  I dunno I've actually been doing a super messy recoloring of the sketch layer to black for the "line" work.  and I actually think it's fine (?)  Some artists might kill me for speaking such blasphemous words.  But I dunno.  I dont hate it.  Till i decide to really learn more about proper line work, I might just stick with this method.  I dont see the harm in it.