Thursday, July 26, 2018

CS Rangers Megazord! in 3d!!

So I did a little 3d a while back and have kinda been wanting to get back into it and give it another shot.  So I figured why not do a 3d model of a power ranger parody megazord thing a friend and I used to fool around with back in high school??

He'd been drawing it again recently, so i figured i'd surprise him with a 3d model haha.  Spoilers.  He really liked it :D

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

22, 23, 25

Didn't do much other than the 1 min figures for these 3 days....  So i'll just toss them all together in one post.




Kinda fell flat again this month...  But at least i kept going a bit!  Slow and steady slow and steady!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Sketches & Perspective

Perspective and boxes...  Think this is an area I need to look more into.  It's kind of in one of those areas that feels like it's something that i'd never be able to learn.  Like i just kinda missed out on it and ....

But i know that's silly.  I know that's not the case.  At least i think i know that's not the case.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Running dude

 Random dude.
then the figures I did.
Kinda took the day a little lightly.
I've been spending a lot of time just thinking about things.  I don't have a lot to say about it just yet really.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Monday, July 9, 2018

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Colored Gigs!

A first colored picture of my character Gigs!!
Kinda like how this one turned out.  Proportions seem a tiny bit off...  but I've been super excited to explore this character a bit more.  She's a goo girl created in a lab from some pretty advanced technology.  Fun story blip, the technology used to create gigs would later be used to create Nona.  Although she was created by somebody else.  When I get my stories sorted out i'll have to do a massive lore dump on everyone.

Until then... 

Here's a slightly edited version without the goo puddle...  AND  More figures!

Friday, July 6, 2018


Only managed to pull off some figures today.

Busy times, but at least i got these in.


Thursday, July 5, 2018

New Schedule & Why I failed before.

In the past when I'd get super motivated, I think I would always try to ramp things up way too quickly.  I would start pretty small but just toss on way too much way too soon...  Funny enough, I came to this realization by working out.  I'd start at something small like 20 and try to do an extra 5 or so every day, and I would always get to 100ish and start saying "I'll do it tomorrow..."

And a similar thing with my art and youtube and many other things.  Then i'd feel bad that I missed a day, and miss a few more days because i missed those days and the whole thing just kinda fell apart.

And with the whole ADHD and depersonalization thing, my entire brain just kinda implodes on itself...  and it's gross.

THE NEW PLAN,  Instead of ramping up too quickly, im gonna stay in those lower numbers and focus more on building the habbit up before i try picking up the pace.  Trying to build a better routine.  Depersonalization doesnt like it when I try to do things for myself.  So focusing on things that pertain to me is really hard.  If I can "automate" some of my natural instincts with habit and routine, I'm hoping it will help in that regard and the more I read about it, routine and meditation really helps with both of those issues I really struggle with  DPD and ADHD.

So I'm taking a HUGE step back.  Starting small.  Staying small.  Working on building those positive habits.  and building up slowly.

Everything I've read and seen about DPD and ADHD says this will help both of those areas....  So let's put this this to the test!!

Fox Girl & Figures

Trying something a little different with style.

Drew a fox girl in a tiny shirt.  Haha, I dunno I just thought it was super cute.  And so it was done!

Sometimes I gotta remind myself that it's ok to have fun with art.  That it's ok to just have fun and play with concepts and things.  "Rules not tools" as vilppu always says!!  Maybe that's where my issues fall into place?  Losing track of the fun side of things...   maybe.  Gotta think on it some more.

Then todays figures!


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Sketch n' Figures

Drew this cute little character.

No other details about her really but..  I like her! ♥

And the figures must continue!!
I have probably said this before, but it feels like the more I do these the better things just seem to feel everywhere else.

If only I was able to REALLY focus in on this stuff like i know i can....  Maybe one day.   Maybe one day i'll crack the code and wont crash like many times before.  But I think I'm on the right path.  Staying slow.  Slow and steady.

Till then.  Must keep going.  Must keep learning.  Must keep on!  MORE TRAINING!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Giga Gigs Tiny Nona and Studies

Studies but Gigs and Nona showed up somehow.

Giga Gigs and tiny Nona showed up in some of these studies.
You know.  I've actually been thinking a lot about my character gigs.  I need to show her a little love and work on her story a bit.  I have a few ideas for her, but nothing's really set in stone.  Need to really give her a little more attention.  We'll see what happens. 

aaand more figures haha.  Just gotta stick with it!!

Monday, July 2, 2018

Figures & Studies


Trying out some more of these box dudes.

Then finishing up with some figures!!

Sunday, July 1, 2018