Monday, December 31, 2012

What time is it!?

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Metroids Sackboy and Kenshiro OH MY!

I finished this one to go along with a an audio mix thing.

And Sackboy having tea with Kenshiro

Having a grand ol time no doubt!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


It's christmas time!
But I somehow managed to get some drawings in today.

Gonna try giving the face and head study another shot this week.  Oh wait... just realized this week has already started  XD.  Either way, more head studies coming tomorrow.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


Still have a lot to learn when it comes to heads and faces.
I found a nice face reference source on deviantart a while back.  I'll go ahead and drop a link to that here.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Great Night!

Got a decent amount of time tonight to do some drawings, and boy did I jump on that.  I started out the night doing gesture drawings from posemaniacs.

But in between page 1 and 2 of tonight's studies I decided to check out the website.  Both and are both websites similar to posemaniacs only instead of 3d rendered characters it is actual pictures of real people.  I think its a step in the right direction from the posemaniacs site I've been using.  Admittedly, I was a bit intimidated by actual pictures of people so I avoided websites like those.  Thankfully, I think I've progressed enough that I feel comfortable moving on to these.  This time I decided to chose lovecastle over pixelovely because it had a "Not timed" option, which  I did for the rest of these.  To my surprise, they actually turned out alright!  Definite room for improvement no doubt, but it's a nice first step.

Of the real lovecastle sketches, I was particularly proud of this one.  Early on I liked the way it was turning out, so I copied an early image of it so that I would be able to compare it to the later completed image.

Over the past few days, though I haven't  been updating the blog, I have actually done a few other images. I have also completed the next lesson in Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.  Although I haven't scanned those in the computer yet.

Here are the other images I drew and a few thoughts I had to go with them.

A while back, I had commissioned a few friends to get a bit of their artistic input on a character I wanted.  This design was done by a good friend of mine Mokuu (Image found here).  I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit discouraged working on these.  They simply weren't turning out quite like I had planned.  (not the commission, but the images i drew below)  but having a few days to sit back and look at it and think things through,  I now see it as another challenge to overcome, a hurdle to jump, etc etc. 

These are other images I did...  They.. I...  WHAT IS THIS EVEN!?

In all seriousness, I wasn't disappointed with these, I got some parts good, other parts need some work.  I'll make note of them for next time! 

I must keep up my training!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

More Draws!

Got a bit of time tonight so I did some more sketches.  OH MAN..  OH MAN hahaha
I'm so sleepy, but I'm proud of these.  The life!!  THE LIFE!!!

AND another drawing I did was for an art trade I did with a good fiend of mine Shaunzy.

While not perfect, I am very proud of how this one turned out.  Particularly the pose.  I didnt use any reference on the pose and the proportions turned out rather nice.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Right Side of the Brain

Tonight, I thought I would change things up a bit by doing the next assignment of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.  Not gonna lie, when i first started this drawing, I felt that I was thrown so far out of my comfort zone it was not even funny.  "What am I even doing?" I asked myself.  But as time went on, I really began to feel my groove.  The assignment was to draw this image:  portrait of igor stravinsky upside down.  The image in the book was upside down, and we had to draw it as such, upside down.  At the end of the chapter it wanted me to draw 2 more images in the same manner I did with this one.  Though I feel that I already know many of the concepts and ideas portrayed in this book, I think there is still a lot that i can learn.  If even the reassurance of various teachings I have picked up over time.

Book Stuff:
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Improvements? Ah ah?

Another long day.  But the sketches are done.  I still think I'm seeing the same improvements of the other day.  This pleases me.  It's just a tiny bit more life than earlier sketches, but this still pleases me.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

more draws

Need to clear my mind.  Have too much going on in there.  Either way, it's late again and here are the sketches.  My mind wasnt in it at all, but there are a few in there that turned out pretty good.  I'll just get a good nights sleep and see what i can do in the morning.