Monday, December 17, 2012

Great Night!

Got a decent amount of time tonight to do some drawings, and boy did I jump on that.  I started out the night doing gesture drawings from posemaniacs.

But in between page 1 and 2 of tonight's studies I decided to check out the website.  Both and are both websites similar to posemaniacs only instead of 3d rendered characters it is actual pictures of real people.  I think its a step in the right direction from the posemaniacs site I've been using.  Admittedly, I was a bit intimidated by actual pictures of people so I avoided websites like those.  Thankfully, I think I've progressed enough that I feel comfortable moving on to these.  This time I decided to chose lovecastle over pixelovely because it had a "Not timed" option, which  I did for the rest of these.  To my surprise, they actually turned out alright!  Definite room for improvement no doubt, but it's a nice first step.

Of the real lovecastle sketches, I was particularly proud of this one.  Early on I liked the way it was turning out, so I copied an early image of it so that I would be able to compare it to the later completed image.

Over the past few days, though I haven't  been updating the blog, I have actually done a few other images. I have also completed the next lesson in Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.  Although I haven't scanned those in the computer yet.

Here are the other images I drew and a few thoughts I had to go with them.

A while back, I had commissioned a few friends to get a bit of their artistic input on a character I wanted.  This design was done by a good friend of mine Mokuu (Image found here).  I'm not gonna lie, I was a bit discouraged working on these.  They simply weren't turning out quite like I had planned.  (not the commission, but the images i drew below)  but having a few days to sit back and look at it and think things through,  I now see it as another challenge to overcome, a hurdle to jump, etc etc. 

These are other images I did...  They.. I...  WHAT IS THIS EVEN!?

In all seriousness, I wasn't disappointed with these, I got some parts good, other parts need some work.  I'll make note of them for next time! 

I must keep up my training!!!

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