Saturday, October 4, 2014

Oct. 3, 2014 - Facial Expressions

Need to quit beating myself up for silly little reasons.  Not being able to do half the stuff I really want to had been getting me down.  Instead of sitting around feeling sorry for myself i need to just return to my studies.  A few things have changed in real life land so for at least this weekend I will have some free time.  After reviewing everything from last month, I cant really say it was a terrible month.  I actually did more than I thought I did.  But I at least want to get this month off right.  I hate to say baby steps again...  but it looks like that's where it's gonna have to be.  Small steps, small studies, small small small.  Anything is better than nothing.  Anything.  Even if it's "not good" which i try to never look at my work as "not good" it's a "work in progress"

About the expressions though, holy crap i really like how they turned out.

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