Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Birthday sketches!

Did this on my birthday?  yaye!


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Patreon... A very difficult step in the right direction.

Do I finally launched a Patreon...  It's been one of the most difficult things to force myself to do since finally facing my past and all the struggles that has brought me over the years.  The entire process of creating this patreon has been an increasingly rough journey.  For the first time I'm putting my self out there.  Putting myself in the "center of my world" so to speak.  And...  It's just hard to put into words how difficult it has been.  I was fighting myself every step of the way.  Quite literally EVERY step of the way.  I am incredibly grateful for all of the great people that have really helped encourage me that this is the right decision.  I am incredibly grateful for those that have been there by me and have supported me either financially, emotionally or just been there for me.

There is still a lot of growing to be done...  But i strongly feel that this is a step on the right direction. ♥

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Big important things soon

Over the course of the past two weeks I have been hard at work on one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life.  Because of my childhood, anything pertaining to me and the betterment of myself has always been met with very strong emotional anxiety.  I have never felt as much emotional backlash for a project quite like this one...

Every step of the way I've felt complete and total resistance from myself.  While I dont think I'm ready to talk about it on here just yet, I feel that completing this project will free me from a huge chunk of those negative emotions I've unknowingly built up and carried with me over the years.  This is an extremely important step for me because...  This is the biggest step I've ever done to truly better myself as an artist and content creator.

Unfortunately my artwork has really halted during this process...  But I think this is important.

It's so hard...   but it's important...

I have put so much thought into this over the years and it's finally happening.  soon.  It's almost done.


I'm so nervous with this... but i think it will be ok.

Monday, February 8, 2016


This is a silly comic i made based on this comic.
A parody of sorts/ Inspired by... I dont know
But i had a lot of fun making it xD

I had been laughing at that "Garfield is dead" comic for a while now, then a friend was playing one of the new naruto games then I made the same joke only with Naruto.   Thus... this was born xD

Not much more to say but it was fun.

Saturday, February 6, 2016


Mr Grayvs!
Grayvs has done a number of fanarts of my "Doggy" character and I thought it would be pretty cool to repay the favor to do a drawing of his character.

I had a bit of trouble doing this one for some reason.  He ended up looking a bit stiff.  And I think maybe i made the head a bit too big haha.  Grayvs ended up liking the image but next time I'll try to touch it up a bit better XD

And here is the line layer without the color.
I got lost a bit with my layers so his eyes are a little wonky in this one.

And because i like this kind of stuff here is the color layer only :P

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Nona Design

So...  I drew Nona.

And colored her woo!
I'm still not 100% happy with her design so I figured I'd try a little redesign.  I kinda like it.  Though I dont think this is a final design.  She's a robot... kind of...  Don't know if I've ever said that before on.  I really like how the image turned out though.

When I was coloring the pink sketch to black, I stopped halfway...  and i thought it looked kind of cool.  So i will include this also.
The linework actually kind reminded me of some kind of metaphor for various elements of her Story....  kiiind of...  It was a nice little accident so i figured i'd share it :3

Then here's the regular sketch.

I really need to do more character studies to learn more about character design.  Or read things.  I dunno.

Also little update.  The blog will be back and running.  I didn't get as much done as i wanted too last week but I did do a bit.  It will be uploaded soon.