Friday, June 17, 2016

Poses N Such 6-15 through 6-17

1 min each.

1-min each

Vilppu refresher:
Im rusty, so i need a bit of a refresher.  So I redid a portion of the vilppu chapter 1 lessons.  I will be returning to these periodically and hopefully complete the entire series one day.  But I absolutely need a refresher.  I always like returning to these lessons, It feels like even though I've been away from them for so long, i take away some new understanding.

1 min each.

Then these were not timed.  During my last 1000 sketch drawing whatever thing i wanted to do more proper studies.  So lets get some of those done.   The first of many I hope.  I can still see the rust shaking off, but relearning a bit of the form structures from the earlier vilppu thing was a nice reminder.

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