Thursday, June 16, 2016

Rethinking the blog a bit.

So.  I've been away a lot.  Aside from life just being life, I couldn't help but wonder what had been keeping me from drawing.

I think I came to an interesting conclusion that perhaps I've just been overthinking and over complicating this blog and my progress as an artist a bit more than I really need to be.  Largely it's just a huge mental game and understanding how your brain works but I think I have been putting far too much focus on what institutes a "blog post", worrying about over posting, what should go into a single post vs multiple posts, or even overly dwelling on dates of pictures and getting everything "perfect."  and I shouldn't worry about any of those things.  Those are really silly things to worry about when taking the big picture into account.  The challenges, the studies, the everythings were never meant to be perfect.  Nothing I do here is meant to be hung in a museum.  But rather it is all meant to mark progress.  Displaying the accomplishments of merely putting time into the craft.  Putting time into studies and learning from inspiration.

This blog is, and always has been just a place to get my thoughts out and to post my artistic journey.  To prove to myself that it is possible to become a better artist with hard work and dedication.  EVEN IF there's that little voice in the back of my head that wants me to think otherwise...  I know it is possible.

I still consider this a very personal art blog.  Sharing something that many artists tend to keep to themselves (the bad drawings, the studies, the random sketches, etc).  Even though I have quite a few followers on here now, the focus has always been the same.  That being said, I'm humbled to know that some of you are interested enough in me or my journey to keep an eye on this corner of the internet.

Moving forward, things might get a little bit more messy here on the blog.  But that's ok.  Life gets a little messy sometimes...   and that's ok.  ♥

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