Friday, November 12, 2021

~Process of updating.~

 I've began uploading all the art I have created since 2018.

I spent the entire night combing through my own personal files to get them all posted here.  After only managing to get up to 2019 uploaded I thought I would look at the raw files just to see what was going on there.

Turns out I have tons of unrendered studies and drawings that I just never saved out as pngs.  This is both great and annoying at the same time.  I think it will be fun to go back and render all these out to upload to the blog, but that only means it will take much much longer to fully get things up to date on here.  So here's the plan:

My personal collection of drawings has ALWAYS been a mess.  And even moreso after I started streaming.  So I want to do this right.  I want to properly organize all my personal collection of art files.  This is actually a massive task that will take an incredible amount of time and I dont want this bog to "live in the past" while I work on getting all that updated.  And i dont want to put all my personal projects on hold to update 3 years of posts on here.  So I'm going to be working on the backlog of this blog as a side thing.

I'll be posting all old art on the correct date with as much information as I can remember from the time.  Bad thing about posting art 3 years late is that you forget a lot of the context...   😆

As for modern work, I'll just pick up with my more recent stuff and we'll just go from there.

Everything uploaded with a " ~ " in the title is part of this.  Past work that I might not have full context for everything uploaded but wanted to share it anyway.

So that's the plan for now.

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