Sunday, November 14, 2021

Quick Poses, Characters, Perspective

  I tried doing this "Class" option on this new Line of Action website

It starts with fast gestures then slowly builds up into longer and longer.

I think the first few were 30 seconds then it slowly ramps up to 10 min.

I almost feel as though my time would be better spent doing anatomy studies during my "study" time.  I kind of have an idea for a few things but I need to really have a nice refresher.

Next few were just free sketches.

First one was pretty basic.  2nd one.  man i really like the 2nd one.  I had a lot of fun with that one.  I have a lot of different characters and species in my stories.  I might explore this concept further in the future.  Then the 3rd iw as trying to do some crazy foreshortening.  I hate foreshortening.  But I've never really done it so...  might as well start somewhere.

So I went and did some perspective work.

Just some simple stuff.  

I tried doing the same set of blocks in slightly different angles.  not sure how well i pulled it off but hey.

Random anime face:

I hate how it still feels like I have so much more to learn.  But ...  I guess it will be ok.  I had a lot of fun with todays character doodles.  and even kind of enjoyed the perspective work I did.  I'm still shaking off a bit of mental rust i think.  But we'll see what happens.

good session.

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