Thursday, August 22, 2013

Aug. 21, 2013 - Sketches & Fear of Success Research

I remember reading somewhere that changing the background color is a good thing.  So I tried this.
These were more 1 min sketches..  I began noticing that i keep trying to think in contours rather than forms and i'm trying to change it up a bit around the 3rd line.  I tried thinking in simple shapes, and doing a thing with gestures.  Im not exactly sure what i did but i think a few of them turned out nice.

The black might actually be a bit hard to see, so here is the regular white background.  It's the same images as above only with different background.

A little update on that fear of success thing.
This morning when I woke up I took a bit of time to see if this "Fear of Success" thing was a real thing, or if I was just being silly.  And sure enough, it is!  It was hard to find anything exactly in my situation, this particular article and video I found were rather interesting. Again, it's freakin late and im tired.  remind me to touch on this again later.  XD


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