Friday, August 9, 2013

Aug. 8, 2013 - Birthday Present and Unexpected Setbacks

Internet broke for a week, first artstuff then update on other things.
New friend of mine, Mayrune, had a birthday recently and thought I'd draw her something!! :D

I originally started this image long before my internet went dead, but for some reason it is always really difficult for me to do art for people I believe are "better"than I am at drawing/ creating things.  I scrapped the first sketches because they weren't "good enough".  It's the most bizarre thing.  As a content creator myself, there is nothing more amazing than to receive a random art gift fanart from anybody!!!  So why do I then expect the people I am creating a piece for to be overly critical and see the flaws in my own work, when I would never do such a thing with a gift to me??  I know this is just me being silly again, but I need to get over this.  I feel both the quality and speed of my work take a hit with this silly mind set and in the end it doesn't help anybody.  While this piece didn't turn out as well as i think it could have, And because I love when people do things like this, here are these for your enjoyment :D!

 I did do some drawing in my time away, I will attempt to sort through those and upload them here as soon as I can.

Aaaaannnd this
Unexpected Setbacks
Brother moved back in and babysitting duty has increased 10 fold.  Babysitting takes up so much of my time and energy it's unreal...  I'll leave it at that.

So as I said before my internet was out for the past week.  I attempted to upgrade my internet to slightly faster internet but turns out the dude lied to me and I now have internet the slowest internet on market! (aside from dial up of-course)  Thankfully though, it isn't under contract so I can either switch back to what i had before, or change to a different provider.

So now, doing anything outside of art isn't really an option especially with internet blistering speeds of  1.5mbps down and .2mbps up. 

I've never been one to harp on things like this any more than needs to be, but man this has been a week.  Just gotta take it one step at a time.  Do what I can, and not worry about what I can't.  Hehe, at least I got my internet back.  :P


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