Friday, August 29, 2014

Aug. 29, 2014 - Nona Faces and Frederator??

So, I got a message from Frederator Studios on youtube.  Not quite sure how or what to think of this, it's pretty insane!  My initial idea is that it's probably just a troll account, but I dont know it seems pretty legit.  They want me to join their Frederator Network.  As crazy awesome as that is, they sent the message to my video game account, and unless they are branching out from being an Animation Network to games network it's a bit... odd.  There's a whole lot of options to weigh when it comes to youtube partnership programs, and I am a bit hesitant to leave my current partnership with Fullscreen.  But even still.  To at least know there is a Frederator anybody that would even consider me as part of their anything is PRETTY FREAKIN COOL!  To be part of the company that helped make 90% of the cartoons I look back and enjoy to this day...  oh man.  I've got to read all the fine print for this one, but it's pretty dang cool.  I understand that the person that found my channel probably sent out hundreds of those messages that day, but even still.  It's pretty cool xD.   I'm a bit hesitant to leave Fullscreen after how well they have treated me all these years, but we will see what happens.  I'll keep the blog posted on the details.

And some Nona faces.  I don't draw her enough.

The first one was fooling around with her hair design a bit, but I dunno.  I kinda just like the simple original design.  I need to draw my own characters more haha.  Gotta step my game up, MORE TRAINING!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Aug. 28, 2014 - A Very Educational MrZebraGamer Documentary.

This was one of those rare instances where an Idea went from my mind to completion in a single day.

A buddy of mine, MrZebraGamer, recently hit 10,000 subscribers on youtube.  So I made him a little silly animation.  I dont know how the idea came to mind hahaha.  At first I got the idea to have him a documentary type setting where he started flying and the announcer got a bit excited.  With me being a rather big fan of nature documentaries, it wasn't hard to emulate that style.  I laughed at this thing from the initial idea all the way to completion.  Im even laughing at it while I watch it here XD!

It was interesting to note that my studies on form really helped when drawing the Zebra.  I have never drawn a Zebra before, and have literally only drawn a part of a horse from that Centaur Monster Girl challenge, but I was able to confidently draw this with relative ease.  It's always interesting when learning something indirectly affects my ability to do something almost completely different.  I need to get back to my Vilppu studies.  Now that the nephew has returned to school and is nolonger screaming in my ear every day...  That is very much a possibility.

Fun fact.   the little jet sound is just me blowing air between my teeth and lips XD
He really liked it.  And that's pretty awesome! 

If I was able to focus like this on everything...  There's no telling what I'd be able to accomplish.  I think the hardest part of it all is that for a moment there, I WAS able to focus like this, but just then literally everything happened.   Things have been getting better as of late.  So here's hoping this year can still take a turn for the better.  Just gotta stay focused!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Aug. 27, 2014 - Sunflower, Monstergirl

 Drew a few things!  The sunflower from Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare.

And another Monster Girl!  Number 27 The Truly Gruesome Monstergirl.

She's not really Gruesome, but her original idea was inspired by a Necromorph but perhaps somewhere along the lines it lost it's gruesomeness.  I got the idea of a creepy monster girl trying to be cute.  She originally had peace signs for hands, but I replaced them with giant spike things.  Then cat ears.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Aug. 22, 2014 - Manga Studios Exercises

Did these on the 22nd.  (typing this on the 24th but publishing on the 22nd for consistency sake.)

I actually did these in a Manga Studio 5.  It was recommended by my good friend Mokuu.  From what he says it has more features than Paint Tool Sai, but less clunky, and confusing than Photoshop.  Photoshop is more designed for graphic design stuff than drawing.  I picked it up on a while back but haven't really had a chance to give it a go.  It has some really interesting features I need to get used to, and I'm learning the hot keys.  A technical change to my procedure is that I changed my DPI (Dots per inch) from 72 to 300.  Not sure what that did.   But I did... XD!  I do know that 72 DPI is supposed to be for online work and 300 is supposed to be pretty good for printed work.  While printed work is not really something I'm aiming for at the moment, It wouldn't hurt to familiarize myself with this setting.

In other news, big update soon as to what's been going on.  A lot of it is personal stuff that I'd much rather leave out of most everything...  but I do suppose personal stuff is indeed part of the "artists journey" so I might as well share it here.  Things should be picking up again in the near future though.  A lot of it is still up in the air but I'm at least being optimistic.  Also Raz...  Mikey.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Aug. 11, 2014 - Sketches

Things have been pretty rough lately.  But I gotta start drawing again.
These are some character designs I've kind of been working on.  Thinking about at least.  Very sketchylike but hey.

I'll give a proper "blog update thing" when I can gather the thoughts and everything together.  Just gonna try drawing again.