Friday, August 22, 2014

Aug. 22, 2014 - Manga Studios Exercises

Did these on the 22nd.  (typing this on the 24th but publishing on the 22nd for consistency sake.)

I actually did these in a Manga Studio 5.  It was recommended by my good friend Mokuu.  From what he says it has more features than Paint Tool Sai, but less clunky, and confusing than Photoshop.  Photoshop is more designed for graphic design stuff than drawing.  I picked it up on a while back but haven't really had a chance to give it a go.  It has some really interesting features I need to get used to, and I'm learning the hot keys.  A technical change to my procedure is that I changed my DPI (Dots per inch) from 72 to 300.  Not sure what that did.   But I did... XD!  I do know that 72 DPI is supposed to be for online work and 300 is supposed to be pretty good for printed work.  While printed work is not really something I'm aiming for at the moment, It wouldn't hurt to familiarize myself with this setting.

In other news, big update soon as to what's been going on.  A lot of it is personal stuff that I'd much rather leave out of most everything...  but I do suppose personal stuff is indeed part of the "artists journey" so I might as well share it here.  Things should be picking up again in the near future though.  A lot of it is still up in the air but I'm at least being optimistic.  Also Raz...  Mikey.

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