Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Feb. 3, 2015 - Animation, Ruby, and R.I.P Monty Oum

On Feb. 2nd 2015 Monty Oum passed away.  Monty Oum was a fantastic animator that, unfortunately, it was only after his death did I truly understand how amazing of a person he was.  I first discovered Monty Oum about 7 or so years ago from the 3d animation he created by the name of "Haloid".  The animation quality was unlike anything I had ever seen before.  I did a little research on him but there was so little it made it difficult to follow him.

Fast forward some time and monty showed up again.  This time behind a series called "RWBY"  and again there was his amazing quality of work.  There was no doubt that he was the same person that had created Haloid some years ago and it was good to see more from him.  He kind of had a name for himself so it was a little easier to keep tabs on him. 

Then just a week ago I found out Monty was hospitalized.  He had an allergic reaction to a standard medical procedure that left him in a coma for a week where he then later passed away at on the 2nd at the age of 33.  I began doing a bit of research on him to learn a bit more about his personality...  and the more I read... the harder it has been to accept his passing...

Monty Oum was THE person that I strive to be.  That I have always dreamed of being.  He was extremely efficient with his work and was absolutely on top of his game and gave it 100% ALL the time.  He was super kind and generous and made time for those around him and never put them down.  He constantly encouraged people around him to create and be better people, and at the same time knew that it takes a lot of work and will power to create. 

My brain is drawing a blank for exactly how I want to word all this and how to put it into words... but it hurts.  It hurts a lot.  It hurts to know that somebody so talented and with all of their priorities in the right place could die for something so small.  That people like myself are left.  I know as an artist we're not supposed to compare ourselves to other people, or their work...  but man... I want what he had.  His focus... His drive!  For some reason every time somebody passes away in the creative field, I always find myself looking into a mirror.  Painfully examining my shortcomings.  Mainly my inability to focus and just get things done.  Why am I left here when there are far more talented and amazing people that are far more deserving of a second chance.  Why am I left here to fumble about trying to get my brains in order when there are people that have it together.

I understand that life doesnt work that way.  That every life has it's meaning and purpose.  But it still hurts.  The amount of people Monty inspired to be more generous, to be more respectful, and understanding.  How he pushed people to try harder for themselves and always looked at life with the glass half full.  It hurts.

While I have undoubtedly seen improvements in my own work...   There's just a part of me that feels like it's all just too late.

I've got to try harder.  I've got to keep moving forward.  I've got to prove myself wrong.

I know i'm a bit bummed right now... Right off of one of my own biggest moments in recent history.  I just know I can do better.  I must strive to be a better person.  While I dont think my brain will ever allow me to have Monty focus...  I can at least strive to be the best me that I can be. 

R.I.P Monty

The picture is a bit rough, but I set out to finish this thing today.  I wont nit pick too much because of my mental status of creating this, but I set out to create something today.  And I did!  Monty Oum's character Ruby.

And because I wanted to end the blog on a high note, here is a screenshot from my recent animation!  It's actually complete and wont go live till tomorrow.  I figured instead of moping around feeling sad about Monty, I'd sit down and work on an animation.

It's just a silly little thing, but I cant wait to share it here.

Gotta keep moving.  Gotta keep moving.  Gotta keep moving.

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