Sunday, February 1, 2015

Feb. 1, 2015 - 375 Figures (1000 FIGURE SKETCH CHALLENGE COMPLETE)

I thought 75 was a bit... then 100... then 200...  but 375 in a single day!?  Forget that, doing 1000 of these guys in juuuuusst over a week!?  (8 days)  This was insane.  I dont even know how to describe my excitement.  I set a ridiculous challenge to do 1000 of these things in a week and while I just missed that time it's almost surreal to think I made it so close.  The amount of hours I put into this thing, this final day really gave me a confidence boost I needed.  For once I was able to sit down and do the hours of drawing/studying I have always sought after with the creation of this blog.  I never expected to be able to obtain something like this.  The days would pass and pass and it would always feel like an elusive dream completely out of my grasp.  Unable to focus.  But I did today.  And it's a great feeling.  While the challenge is over, I'll try to move forward with what I've learned and always remember this as the first of many.  I look forward to being able to reach this state when animating or studying.

Cant let up, gotta keep moving!!
What a way to start the month though.  Holy crap.

Each of the 1000 figures were done 1 min each.
Websites used were:
(The usual go to sites for figures but it's been a while since I've linked them)

Here's the sketches.  (because there are so many I put them after the break.)

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