Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Feb. 4, 2015 - Dylan Say Something

And now for that silly little animation I teased last post.

Did it for my good buddy Raz.  I told him long ago that I would animate it.  I would often play that audio clip over and over saying "I'll get to that one day"  So I finally sat down and made it.  I think he liked it. 

Didn't get much else done today.  Again I couldn't sit still for the life of me.  I just kind of assumed it was the Monty Oum thing but later in the day I realized I hadn't taken the vitamins that seem to help my focus, Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba along with Green Tea.  Not to mention... I did find out that another animator passed away as well,  Kitty0706.  I didn't follow this guy as much as Monty, but I did run into a few of his videos in the past and got a chuckle out of them.  His username would always catch my eye as being rather similar to mine.  When I bumped into his channel I would often go to his deviant art page to check out his art.  Such a talented guy.  For my own sanity I've opted out of looking more into things.  At least for now.  Perhaps that's why I forgot to take my pills xD...  RIP Kitty0706.

Surprisingly though, I wasn't as bitty about things today.  I just kind of left the day to watching things.  I watched the Rooster Teeth podcast Remembering Monty Oum and saw the great tribute video they did for him.  But I was ok with my scatter brain today.  I was able to finish that little animation, so I guess I can give myself one day break.

Get my schedule back on track.

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