Thursday, October 4, 2018

Hampton Foot

Next to last lesson...  The foot!!!

The foot is such a strange thing.  But hampton actually did a good job explaining how the foot works. Seeing all the geometry reminds me how I still need to take some time to study more on cubes.  It's kind of crazy now that understanding how cubes and perspective work can really give everything a massive boost in quality and understanding.  I think when all this is said and over-with I'd like to go back and study more of this 3d nonsense.   Funny that many artists talk about the importance of being able to see and draw things in 3d....  Now im starting to see why it's so important.

This little guy showed up randomly while drawing one of the feet ahha.

I think i was drawing the foot on the top right?  Then i added a silly face.  But i didnt want to just undo it so i copied it haha.  He's the spooky foot man OOOOO!!!!!

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