Monday, October 1, 2018

Hampton Rant.... Legs & Arms(?)

Ok so...  I did the entire section about the arms but for some reason that file got deleted?
It's a shame, those were some of the most impressive bones I think I've ever drawn haha.  They're still on the stream archive, but dang.  Just imagine I did the arms yesterday haha.

But on to the legs!  Then the rant to end it all.

I had a lot of trouble with the legs...  and the arms as a matter of fact.  I don't know what it is, but these later lessons but it feels like hampton's clarity went out the window.  Half the time he's not even using the right vocabulary from what he establishes earlier in the chapter, then other times he's using vocabulary that he doesnt mention anywhere????  It's frustrating that the book seems to be falling apart like this.  Luckily i had google there to help me make scene of this mess...  BUT...

I think there is still enough information in there to make it worth doing the lessons and finishing the book...  But still.  IT's frustrating none-the-less. 

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