Monday, April 29, 2013

No more.

Won't be online for a while.
Will still update things, but won't be online.

There's a lot that i need to focus on and nothing that i've done recently has helped that.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

April 24

It's late again, but here are the draws.

Not bad, I can see my understanding of forms improving (from when i first started doing these)

Here is a request from Shaunzy to draw him with Catbug.  I really love how this one turned out!

its so late, i'd love to say more but im sleepy again XD


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 22 - Permission to terrible.

So I've decided to give myself permission to draw "terribly"  Not necessarily to imply that I think what I draw is in fact terrible, It is it work in progress.  But moreso as a means of getting past the silly "perfectionist" state that seems to creep up from time to time.

It's late so I'll make note to elaborate on this idea in a later blog.

Till then, here's the draws!

Wow, i rather like these.
The first one is  not super great, as the firsts usually aren't, but even still.  It makes me excited again!

Not to mention a few friends are on my tail for not keeping up with the drawing as well as both they, and I know that I can.

Busy day tomorrow, but I will shoot for more art.

Reference used:
I still dont like it quite as much as lovecastle (which is still offline)  But I think I can make do with it for now.

Need to keep up my training!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Problems and Solutions v1

So I really need to take some time to address what exactly it is that is getting in the way between me and my art.

This post was meant to be much longer but it's freakin late and im sleepy so i'll list a few things and touch up on it more at a later date.

Games - I play to many games.  This is a hard one for me to admit, i freakin love games and they have been a HUGE part of my life for as long as I can remember.  I have in fact cut back on games A LOT.  I'm actually quite proud of myself for being able to avoid some games and things that I know would cripple myself even more, but I know I can do better.

Youtube/ Internet -  I get caught up in youtube and the internet.  Too often I'll find myself clicking around mindlessly looking for something to watch.  Refreshing pages, doing random searches, etc.

Focus - I have an EXTREMELY one track mind.  That means It's hard for me to focus on more than one thing at a time.  ADD ADHD Whatever it's called, is something i've suffered with my entire life and it really shows kicks in when i'm trying to do more than one thing at a time, which i do more than i probably should....
Possible solution to these problems:
Games - I need to back more.  Or limit myself to only playing games when I've completed enough of a particular task.  Or somehow figure out a way to incorporate games into some kind of learning experience.  Perhaps i could take notes of character design or color schemes while playing said game.

Youtube/ Internet - Stop.  That's it...  Just stop.  I need to notice when I am mindlessly wandering and put that time into something productive.  I was doing this for a while and managed to get so much done!  I need to do this again.

Focus - Cut out the distractions.  I know many things distract me, so i need to cut out the distractions.  A lot of them are often fun silly engagements, but I need to cut them out.  At least until I can get a solid routine set in stone.  Meditation is also a thing I have been looking into the past few weeks.  I used to try it way back when and it really helped keep me in tune with myself.  And seeing how everything I create comes from within, perhaps setting that extra time aside to meditate again wouldnt be such a bad idea.  Not to mention getting physically active could help keep focus.  Well... at least that's what I've heard.  So i might as well try it.

Vilppu, at the very least I need to learn Vilppu.  That way if I am watching or listening to something, I could at least train myself by drawing some Vilppu studies while I do whatever thing I am doing.  For example, if I'm watching a pro starcraft match I can do some doodles. (freakin love watching pro starcraft)

I dont need to back myself into a corner and feel the weight of the world on my shoulders to make the all these perfect changes at once.  I've heard many stories of people who have done this.  It is a gradual process.  I just need to stay productive.  That's the most important thing here.  I'll keep all these things in mind as I move forward.

(This ended up being rather long afterall, I may not need to retouch on the matter later.  We'll see though)

I can do better.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 17 Great day!

I appear to have accidentally hit the ground running.   I got a lot more done than I thought I would.  I got a lot done in terms of... well... everything!

The day started on a good note with a video in my inbox uploaded by youtube user ShooRaynerDrawing titled "How to overcome Harsh Self-Criticism"

While the video itself was not directly geared towards what I had been going through I was able to remember the time when I used to really REALLY struggle with harsh self criticism, way back when.  I was then able to take a look at where I am now and how much progress I have made since returning to art to see just how far I have come and how far I have even grown as an individual because of it.  Yea, I'm not perfect by any means, but perfection is not my end goal here.  It is merely to STAY FOCUSED.  I've been told the improvement will come in time so long as I STAY FOCUSED.  And from what I've seen so far, I'm sold on the idea.

After this little moment of amazing, I sat down to write down the script to an animation I have had planned but never really "planned"  Without spoiling too much it will be a Pokemon parody.  Hahaha, I can't even remember when the last time I actually sat down and wrote out an entire script for anything in one sitting.  It was a nice accomplishment.

AAAAAAAAAAAAaaannnnd the sketches.
I'm playing around with some sketch ideas that would be quick and easy to draw for a potential gaming news show thing I want to do.  I've had the idea banging around in my head for a long time now and will likely remain there for a while, but it never hurts to sketch out a few ideas right?

Circles... because circles.  I heard circles were good to do when you were in a rut, so I did a few.  The little rabit face on the side was from a small portion of this video:  Former Disney Animator, Francis Glebas - Drawing Tips & Tricks    I didn't finish that video, but I did manage to get that little bunny thing out of it XD

Here are a few pictures of Ash, I figured if I planned to do a pokemon parody it wouldn't hurt to know how to draw him.  More work needs to be done.  I was also playing with that simple "style" I'm working on again.  Pikachu is there also, and that bunny head thing again.  not sure exactly how he got there again, I didn't draw him twice XD  but eh, it's fine.  You're welcome in this picture little bunny dude.

Space man and freakin Shuckle because yes.
I took requests from a few friends and these were two of the rough sketches for them.  Complete images are next.


Space Man What do?

Minion Designs!  Back in high school a friend and I had a silly little Power Rangers parody going called the Community Service Rangers.  The past few weeks we've been talking about bringing the series back and this is the current design for the enemy minion dudes.  They are roughly his design, but a few added changes.  If you are reading this, I will try fleshing out these ideas a bit more in a bit more dynamic poses so you can see them in action.  Till then this is kind of what I was thinking when I told you I had a few changes.  They are meant to have rather simple designs.

Anyway, that just about sums up this blog.  Great day overall.  Looking forward to more productive days.

Just need to keep moving, stay focused frosty and gold!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wrench in the Gears - Needed Update

Things have been uneventful here for the past while.

While I understand there is no real excuse, this is what's going on nonetheless.

Well...  My favorite art website went down.  It was a random reference image website that was designed to help artists learn to draw what they saw.  For example it would show an image for a set amount of time or even unlimited amount of time for you to sketch.  Then when you have completed it would move on to the next image, so on and so forth.  I had really got into a nice rhythm with the website and it just had a nice flow that just clicked.

There is, however, another website that offers a very similar tool to the one that went down that goes by the url  but it just doesn't feel the same...  the randomizer feels more clunky and i often find myself sketching the same images over and over (from previous nights) and for some reason this really throws me out of my game and the annoying feelings that kept me from drawing in the first place seem to creep in because of it.  Worrying about everything...  The details, the form, the proportions, etc, etc.  These feelings have also been what has kept me from fully utilizing the new Vilppu videos I have.  I just don't feel "good enough"

As asinine as an excuse that is, it is what i have been going through.  The purpose of this blog is to document the ups and downs of my particular artistic journey "back in the light" if you will.  I have a plan set to combat these recent issues, that is to simply return to square 1 of my training.  "DRAW ANYTHING!"  A good friend of mine recently gave me the "Megaman Battle Network: Official Complete Works"  It is chock filled with Megaman Battle Network artwork!!  I suppose that could be a good place to start.  I've been told I need to learn the basics before I try stylized stuff... hmm... We'll see.  I do need to get my figure studies up and running again.

One step at a time
one step at a time

I need to resync myself to a new routine.  I need to remove unnecessary distractions.

Stay Focused
Stay Frosty
Stay Gold

I need to keep up my training!
I can do better than this.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 03

MORE MORE MORE!  Really pleased with some of these.  I had some more character design stuff, but I'm not quite done with those.


Edit-- Just noticed I got the month wrong... it's not may xD