Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wrench in the Gears - Needed Update

Things have been uneventful here for the past while.

While I understand there is no real excuse, this is what's going on nonetheless.

Well...  My favorite art website went down.  It was a random reference image website that was designed to help artists learn to draw what they saw.  For example it would show an image for a set amount of time or even unlimited amount of time for you to sketch.  Then when you have completed it would move on to the next image, so on and so forth.  I had really got into a nice rhythm with the website and it just had a nice flow that just clicked.

There is, however, another website that offers a very similar tool to the one that went down that goes by the url  but it just doesn't feel the same...  the randomizer feels more clunky and i often find myself sketching the same images over and over (from previous nights) and for some reason this really throws me out of my game and the annoying feelings that kept me from drawing in the first place seem to creep in because of it.  Worrying about everything...  The details, the form, the proportions, etc, etc.  These feelings have also been what has kept me from fully utilizing the new Vilppu videos I have.  I just don't feel "good enough"

As asinine as an excuse that is, it is what i have been going through.  The purpose of this blog is to document the ups and downs of my particular artistic journey "back in the light" if you will.  I have a plan set to combat these recent issues, that is to simply return to square 1 of my training.  "DRAW ANYTHING!"  A good friend of mine recently gave me the "Megaman Battle Network: Official Complete Works"  It is chock filled with Megaman Battle Network artwork!!  I suppose that could be a good place to start.  I've been told I need to learn the basics before I try stylized stuff... hmm... We'll see.  I do need to get my figure studies up and running again.

One step at a time
one step at a time

I need to resync myself to a new routine.  I need to remove unnecessary distractions.

Stay Focused
Stay Frosty
Stay Gold

I need to keep up my training!
I can do better than this.

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