Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 22 - Permission to terrible.

So I've decided to give myself permission to draw "terribly"  Not necessarily to imply that I think what I draw is in fact terrible, It is it work in progress.  But moreso as a means of getting past the silly "perfectionist" state that seems to creep up from time to time.

It's late so I'll make note to elaborate on this idea in a later blog.

Till then, here's the draws!

Wow, i rather like these.
The first one is  not super great, as the firsts usually aren't, but even still.  It makes me excited again!

Not to mention a few friends are on my tail for not keeping up with the drawing as well as both they, and I know that I can.

Busy day tomorrow, but I will shoot for more art.

Reference used:
I still dont like it quite as much as lovecastle (which is still offline)  But I think I can make do with it for now.

Need to keep up my training!!

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