Saturday, April 20, 2013

Problems and Solutions v1

So I really need to take some time to address what exactly it is that is getting in the way between me and my art.

This post was meant to be much longer but it's freakin late and im sleepy so i'll list a few things and touch up on it more at a later date.

Games - I play to many games.  This is a hard one for me to admit, i freakin love games and they have been a HUGE part of my life for as long as I can remember.  I have in fact cut back on games A LOT.  I'm actually quite proud of myself for being able to avoid some games and things that I know would cripple myself even more, but I know I can do better.

Youtube/ Internet -  I get caught up in youtube and the internet.  Too often I'll find myself clicking around mindlessly looking for something to watch.  Refreshing pages, doing random searches, etc.

Focus - I have an EXTREMELY one track mind.  That means It's hard for me to focus on more than one thing at a time.  ADD ADHD Whatever it's called, is something i've suffered with my entire life and it really shows kicks in when i'm trying to do more than one thing at a time, which i do more than i probably should....
Possible solution to these problems:
Games - I need to back more.  Or limit myself to only playing games when I've completed enough of a particular task.  Or somehow figure out a way to incorporate games into some kind of learning experience.  Perhaps i could take notes of character design or color schemes while playing said game.

Youtube/ Internet - Stop.  That's it...  Just stop.  I need to notice when I am mindlessly wandering and put that time into something productive.  I was doing this for a while and managed to get so much done!  I need to do this again.

Focus - Cut out the distractions.  I know many things distract me, so i need to cut out the distractions.  A lot of them are often fun silly engagements, but I need to cut them out.  At least until I can get a solid routine set in stone.  Meditation is also a thing I have been looking into the past few weeks.  I used to try it way back when and it really helped keep me in tune with myself.  And seeing how everything I create comes from within, perhaps setting that extra time aside to meditate again wouldnt be such a bad idea.  Not to mention getting physically active could help keep focus.  Well... at least that's what I've heard.  So i might as well try it.

Vilppu, at the very least I need to learn Vilppu.  That way if I am watching or listening to something, I could at least train myself by drawing some Vilppu studies while I do whatever thing I am doing.  For example, if I'm watching a pro starcraft match I can do some doodles. (freakin love watching pro starcraft)

I dont need to back myself into a corner and feel the weight of the world on my shoulders to make the all these perfect changes at once.  I've heard many stories of people who have done this.  It is a gradual process.  I just need to stay productive.  That's the most important thing here.  I'll keep all these things in mind as I move forward.

(This ended up being rather long afterall, I may not need to retouch on the matter later.  We'll see though)

I can do better.

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