Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 17 Great day!

I appear to have accidentally hit the ground running.   I got a lot more done than I thought I would.  I got a lot done in terms of... well... everything!

The day started on a good note with a video in my inbox uploaded by youtube user ShooRaynerDrawing titled "How to overcome Harsh Self-Criticism"

While the video itself was not directly geared towards what I had been going through I was able to remember the time when I used to really REALLY struggle with harsh self criticism, way back when.  I was then able to take a look at where I am now and how much progress I have made since returning to art to see just how far I have come and how far I have even grown as an individual because of it.  Yea, I'm not perfect by any means, but perfection is not my end goal here.  It is merely to STAY FOCUSED.  I've been told the improvement will come in time so long as I STAY FOCUSED.  And from what I've seen so far, I'm sold on the idea.

After this little moment of amazing, I sat down to write down the script to an animation I have had planned but never really "planned"  Without spoiling too much it will be a Pokemon parody.  Hahaha, I can't even remember when the last time I actually sat down and wrote out an entire script for anything in one sitting.  It was a nice accomplishment.

AAAAAAAAAAAAaaannnnd the sketches.
I'm playing around with some sketch ideas that would be quick and easy to draw for a potential gaming news show thing I want to do.  I've had the idea banging around in my head for a long time now and will likely remain there for a while, but it never hurts to sketch out a few ideas right?

Circles... because circles.  I heard circles were good to do when you were in a rut, so I did a few.  The little rabit face on the side was from a small portion of this video:  Former Disney Animator, Francis Glebas - Drawing Tips & Tricks    I didn't finish that video, but I did manage to get that little bunny thing out of it XD

Here are a few pictures of Ash, I figured if I planned to do a pokemon parody it wouldn't hurt to know how to draw him.  More work needs to be done.  I was also playing with that simple "style" I'm working on again.  Pikachu is there also, and that bunny head thing again.  not sure exactly how he got there again, I didn't draw him twice XD  but eh, it's fine.  You're welcome in this picture little bunny dude.

Space man and freakin Shuckle because yes.
I took requests from a few friends and these were two of the rough sketches for them.  Complete images are next.


Space Man What do?

Minion Designs!  Back in high school a friend and I had a silly little Power Rangers parody going called the Community Service Rangers.  The past few weeks we've been talking about bringing the series back and this is the current design for the enemy minion dudes.  They are roughly his design, but a few added changes.  If you are reading this, I will try fleshing out these ideas a bit more in a bit more dynamic poses so you can see them in action.  Till then this is kind of what I was thinking when I told you I had a few changes.  They are meant to have rather simple designs.

Anyway, that just about sums up this blog.  Great day overall.  Looking forward to more productive days.

Just need to keep moving, stay focused frosty and gold!

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