Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sept. 14, 2014 - Gestures and big blog update (Sept. 7 - 14)

Big Blog Update
I hadn't been updating the blog like I am supposed to.  I dont really know why I hadnt.  Just busy in real life i suppose.  But tonight I went through and uploaded the proper drawings with the proper days between Sept 7 to today Sept 14.  So if you read the blog those days are now there with everything.

More gesture

The more I do these the more I feel like I need a refresher with the Vilppu videos with forms.  Through all the stress and such from my last "break thing" from the blog I think I lost some of those details.  While I dont think these are particularly bad, I do think they are missing the form stuff.  I will be reviewing those in the near future.

I did, however have a really good feeling when doing these.  I dont know how much better they ended up, but I did feel good doing them.  I could have continued but I decided to end it there and finally update the blog.

I have also noticed I have been wasting a lot more time doing things I dont really need to be doing...  Playing games, watching youtube etc...  I'm trying to bring back the old schedule I was running on a while back.. buuut with a few modifications.  I'll talk a bit more about that a little later.  This entry is already getting a bit lengthy haha.


Friday, September 12, 2014

Sept. 12, 2014 - Gestures and QUICK POSE CERTIFICATE!

Finally got my Quick Pose Certificate!!!
and these were the ones that got me there!
There really isn't anything TOO big with getting the certificate, but it's still a nice feeling.  To know I have put the time in to this thing and really stuck with it.  I think the reward comes more from sitting down and putting in the hours, moreso than the certificate itself.  But still man.  Good feels! <3

This entire blog brings me good feels.  It's filled with things that would have never been had I just given up.  While at the moment am still struggling with focus, time management, and stresses of daily life, it's good to have been able to have been able to return time and time again when I have just felt like giving up all together.  Of-course the giving up feeling never lasts long but...  Sometimes I struggle with constantly feeling like I am "getting back into things" from a few days or a week, or even a month i think at one point from not drawing much...  But at the same time, I think it really says something about a person if even through all the trouble, they are willing to "get back into things" it certainly says something about a person if they keep trying instead of just giving up and deciding its too rough.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Sept. 10, 2014 - Gestures

Another bit of a rough day.
These were a bit longer than the ones i had been doing.

Ehhh but the bottom left and bottom right were't too bad i suppose.  And a few do at least feel like they have some life to them even if they still feel a biiiit stiff.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Sept. 9, 2014 - Gestures (rough day)

Had a pretty rough day, just couldnt get these to look right.

Not every day can be a good day I suppose.

but not all are terrible.  I need to get that flow back I had... Dont know where it went...

Monday, September 8, 2014

Sept. 8, 2014 - Gesture Figure things. and Gigs.

I wasn't too proud of these when I was doing them...  But looking back I actually thing they looked OK.  Especially considering my inconsistency with drawing lately.  This falls into a topic i touched on in a previous topic where for some reason I think things are looking bad WHILE I'm doing it seemingly for the sake of feeling bad...  I don't know exactly how to put it into words.  But I just need to have more faith in myself.  or at the very least  give myself more credit than I have been.  I may not be the BEST artist, but I do feel a lot of improvements since I started this whole journey.

But after looking through these and deciding "hey they're not too bad" I drew Gigs and felt pretty great by the end of the night

It was kind of one of those twisty poses.  but I like it.  Still not too sure of her design, but what eves.

More training!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sept. 7, 2014 - Nona

Did a nice little doodle of nona.
I think the pose and everything turned out pretty nice.  I really need to learn how to do hands and feet better haha.  Perhaps one day I'll put that on my list of things to do.  I believe Vilppu has a lesson on those actually....  really need to get back to those.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Sept. 5, 2014 - Gestures.

Finally sat down to do some more 1 min timed gestures

Every time i return to art I'm always bombarded with that same feeling I get when I've been a way for a while.  That general "Did I just do that?" feeling.  I still remember all those years I avoided the human figure and anytime I attempted to draw it I would be faced with doubt and pure discouragement.  And just to know how far I have come is amazing and I just want to draw more!!  I mean... They're not all super great, but there are a few that I see potential.  I need to get this whole thing rolling again.  I am excited to see where I go from here.  Need to work on my schedule.

My buddy larz also sent me this video and it really kind of opened my eyes to a few things.  Some what of a reminder of the things that I used to think all the time but have fallen away from it after all this terrible luck I have had as of late.

Granted, this have been very hard for me lately.  But potentially...  POTENTIALLY... this could be the best time in my life.  So long as I stay focused and not give in to the terrible things happening around me.  Gotta stay focused!

Also, this happened.

It's a Certificate thing that you can get after using this gesture website for so long.  You have to pay for shipping, but im pretty dang excited.  MORE FOCUS!