Monday, September 8, 2014

Sept. 8, 2014 - Gesture Figure things. and Gigs.

I wasn't too proud of these when I was doing them...  But looking back I actually thing they looked OK.  Especially considering my inconsistency with drawing lately.  This falls into a topic i touched on in a previous topic where for some reason I think things are looking bad WHILE I'm doing it seemingly for the sake of feeling bad...  I don't know exactly how to put it into words.  But I just need to have more faith in myself.  or at the very least  give myself more credit than I have been.  I may not be the BEST artist, but I do feel a lot of improvements since I started this whole journey.

But after looking through these and deciding "hey they're not too bad" I drew Gigs and felt pretty great by the end of the night

It was kind of one of those twisty poses.  but I like it.  Still not too sure of her design, but what eves.

More training!!

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