Friday, September 12, 2014

Sept. 12, 2014 - Gestures and QUICK POSE CERTIFICATE!

Finally got my Quick Pose Certificate!!!
and these were the ones that got me there!
There really isn't anything TOO big with getting the certificate, but it's still a nice feeling.  To know I have put the time in to this thing and really stuck with it.  I think the reward comes more from sitting down and putting in the hours, moreso than the certificate itself.  But still man.  Good feels! <3

This entire blog brings me good feels.  It's filled with things that would have never been had I just given up.  While at the moment am still struggling with focus, time management, and stresses of daily life, it's good to have been able to have been able to return time and time again when I have just felt like giving up all together.  Of-course the giving up feeling never lasts long but...  Sometimes I struggle with constantly feeling like I am "getting back into things" from a few days or a week, or even a month i think at one point from not drawing much...  But at the same time, I think it really says something about a person if even through all the trouble, they are willing to "get back into things" it certainly says something about a person if they keep trying instead of just giving up and deciding its too rough.

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