Saturday, September 6, 2014

Sept. 5, 2014 - Gestures.

Finally sat down to do some more 1 min timed gestures

Every time i return to art I'm always bombarded with that same feeling I get when I've been a way for a while.  That general "Did I just do that?" feeling.  I still remember all those years I avoided the human figure and anytime I attempted to draw it I would be faced with doubt and pure discouragement.  And just to know how far I have come is amazing and I just want to draw more!!  I mean... They're not all super great, but there are a few that I see potential.  I need to get this whole thing rolling again.  I am excited to see where I go from here.  Need to work on my schedule.

My buddy larz also sent me this video and it really kind of opened my eyes to a few things.  Some what of a reminder of the things that I used to think all the time but have fallen away from it after all this terrible luck I have had as of late.

Granted, this have been very hard for me lately.  But potentially...  POTENTIALLY... this could be the best time in my life.  So long as I stay focused and not give in to the terrible things happening around me.  Gotta stay focused!

Also, this happened.

It's a Certificate thing that you can get after using this gesture website for so long.  You have to pay for shipping, but im pretty dang excited.  MORE FOCUS!

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