Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sept. 14, 2014 - Gestures and big blog update (Sept. 7 - 14)

Big Blog Update
I hadn't been updating the blog like I am supposed to.  I dont really know why I hadnt.  Just busy in real life i suppose.  But tonight I went through and uploaded the proper drawings with the proper days between Sept 7 to today Sept 14.  So if you read the blog those days are now there with everything.

More gesture

The more I do these the more I feel like I need a refresher with the Vilppu videos with forms.  Through all the stress and such from my last "break thing" from the blog I think I lost some of those details.  While I dont think these are particularly bad, I do think they are missing the form stuff.  I will be reviewing those in the near future.

I did, however have a really good feeling when doing these.  I dont know how much better they ended up, but I did feel good doing them.  I could have continued but I decided to end it there and finally update the blog.

I have also noticed I have been wasting a lot more time doing things I dont really need to be doing...  Playing games, watching youtube etc...  I'm trying to bring back the old schedule I was running on a while back.. buuut with a few modifications.  I'll talk a bit more about that a little later.  This entry is already getting a bit lengthy haha.


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