Saturday, January 31, 2015

Jan. 31, 2015 - 200 FIGURE SKETCHES!!!

Holy jeeze, talk about ending the month strong.  It's really great to have been able to do so many of these.  Another minor accomplishment I suppose, and new record!  I started I couldnt seen to get things right.  But the more I went on, the more I kinda got my groove back.  I even feel that Im starting to understand form just a little bit better.  There were a few poses that were really hard but trying the sphere form method I was able to see them a bit better.  However, doing each of these at 1 min each didn't really give me much time to fully analyze it.  Anyway, It's late, I'm tired here's the 200 figure sketches bringing my total up to 625 out of 1000.  Not sure if i'll be able to hit 200 tomorrow, but heck I didnt think i'd be able to do it today.  So time will tell!!


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