Friday, January 29, 2016

Art Vlog - JUST Do YOU

Managed to pull out another art vlog!  This one is about just doing you!  Do what makes you happy!
Enjoy :D

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Internet Data low (no uploads for a bit)

Internet data is a bit low for this month.  So I am holding off all further uploads till Feb. for the data limit to restart.   I will use the blogs back posting feature to properly insert what I drew on the correct dates.  So look forward to a pretty big update on Feb. 1

I will still be drawing, I just gotta be careful for the rest of the month.

Thanks ♥

Let's do this full time.

Let's do this full time.

Let's really buckle down and do this whole thing full time.  Creating, drawing, animating, advertising, learning, FULL TIME.

I think it's time.

The last time I managed to pull that off I was at the peek of my creative flow.  Everything just kind of worked.  I was learning and creating and growing, both mentally and as an online presence.  Then the year kinda exploded into tons of bad things...  But I learned a lot that year about where I really want to go as an artist, and what I really want to do as an artist.

I want that level of focus again.  Let's do that?  Yea.  Let's do that.

A lot of really great people think I have what it takes. 

Sunday, January 17, 2016


laloloawlawolawlwal la lo lili

Love lili in Heroes of the Storm.  So here she is!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Pokemon Challenge Furfrou #676

Random Pokemon things chose Furfrou next!
Ya know, I'm genuinely happy with how this one turned out.  Dont really have much to say about it other than "Yea cool!"   <3

Pokemon Challenge Beedrill #15

Beedrill was up next!
I had a little trouble trying to get this one to look the way I wanted it.  My original attempt (later in this blog) tried to keep Beedrill's smaller limbs but i just couldnt get it to look right.  I kind of liked what I had but In the end I redid the pose and I think it payed off.  I got a bit more creative with the stripes around the leg and neck area.  Like bands or something? *shrugs* i dunno but i liked it haha.

Here's the original picture i scrapped but kinda liked enough to finish and upload anyway
 It just kinda turned into an ant dude or something.

Decided to throw this one here because why not?
Had a bit trouble getting the hair to look right.  This is what it was before i changed it to the image above.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Few Studies

Did a few untimed studies.
Trying to understand things again.

Kinda like how these turned out.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Pokemon Challenge Stunky #434

Random Pokemon thing selected Stunky...

I d...  i...  no.

This is one i will be redoing

Friday, January 8, 2016

Pokemon Challenge Kakuna #14

Kakuna's up next!

Almost didnt do anything today.  But I hit myself with a newspaper and sent myself to do a thing.
This happened.  I actually really like it.  I'm surprised I was able to pull this pose off.

Im just trying to kick myself past this resistance I'm feeling right now.  Just gotta keep going.  keep going!!  In the end really happy with the end results.  Im glad i didnt skip the day.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Rusty Sketches, Words & Holiday Nona

Mind was all over the place today so I kinda forgot to post these on time xD
These were 30 seconds again.  Trying to get that flow back.  I kinda surprised myself with being able to at least get the general idea of these.  better than yesterday at least.  I wanted to do more but i'll talk a bit more about that in the words section.

Let's throw some words here instead of at the end.
Had an emotional day.  To make this post less long, I'll just say I've been dealing with this.
It's still a lot to think about.  I had a good talk with an old friend and she gave me a lot of good advice.  The fact that I was feeling those strong emotions from even thinking about that post shows I have a long way to go.  At the same time it was a nice refresher to know the progress I've made to even be able to address that subject, let alone be able to even share it with anybody. 

I just gotta stay focused.  FOCUS FOCUS  I CAN DO THIS!!!  Or so i've heard.

Let's end on a nicer note.  Here's a holiday Nona!
Haven't really drawn her in a while and I wanted to draw holiday themes of her so BAM  Threw a sweater on her and holiday.  I think i used this pose on a picture of her with Gigs.  But meh, i'm not losing any sleep over it.

yes she's spilling her hot cocoa.
no she doesnt care.


did i just type yolo..?


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

UNbecoming "THAT" guy - and Rusty Figure Drawings!

Was originally a topic for here, but i made it an art vlog instead!
Turned out ok.

Im getting back into my daily studies and exercises.  Not a lot more to say other than i feel super rust at them.  I started off doing 40, 30 second drawings just to loosen up a bit.

Dont have a lot to say but it was nice to do these again.  My rhythm felt off, but that will return in time.  Will have to do a lot more.   Then I finished off with a few 2 min figure drawings.  again as more practice.

I originally planned on only doing 10 of these, but i figured hey, why not "over kill"  while it isnt much of an overkill, and certainly doesnt break any of my personal records, it was nice to do a little more.  Found myself being a bit lost when doing these.  I knew i had to do more but i wasnt exactly sure how.  At one time I DID know how, or at least knew how a little better, but I need to revisit the vilppu studies.  That's where i learned the how and will only help remind me when i return.  That would really help with these and any of my other challenges I'm doing.

Haven't posted this in a while so i'll include the link to the website i use for these poses.  Warning though.  There may be naked people oh no!  Some are artistic nudes but fair warning I suppose xD

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Pokemon Challenge Lotad #270

Random pokemon selected Lotad!

Lotad is ok.  A pretty simple pokemon.  A little hard for this challenge, but eh it's ok.
Tis' fine.

This is the first of generation 3 I believe.  So that's cool.

Monday, January 4, 2016


Pokemon Challenge Weedle #13

Totally wasn't feeling this one through the majority of drawing it.  However, after adding the hair, playing with the eyes a bit, then throwing together the final details I ended up really liking how it turned out.

There was a stage in creating this one when I wasn't sure if I should be adding arms or bits to Pokemon that don't normally have arms.  In the end I decided to just go ahead and do whatever.  This is my challenge and the sole purpose of this was to keep me motivated to draw more and explore character design and put my studies into some kind of tangible form

With that being said, I decided to give the armless look another try by removing them from the final image.  I still feel like it took something away from the image but ehhh..  EHHHHH.  GG.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Missed posts from 2015

I managed to scrape up a few images, sets of images from 2015 that I'm preeeetttty sure I never uploaded.

I will likely go back and backpost these to their correct dates, but here is a nice lump of those.

Random figures, studies of some sort?  Sounds about right.
Pretty sure this is the only thing I drew this month.  Silly month that was.  Cant say for sure what this was, character design maybe? 
Figures because figures.

This last one was a request from a friend.  Cant remember who the character is, but it turned out pretty good.

Edit:  her name is Mirai

Pokemon Challenge Cherubi #420

Random pokemon selection thing picked Cherubi next!

Kinda like the way this one turned out.  I really wish I wasn't out of practice but hey, it is what it is.
lets start the year off right!  MORE DRAWING RAWR!

Pokemon Challenge Butterfree #12

I came back and redid the pose.  Muuuuch better.

 Really like the way this one turned out.  Feel it has a lot of life in the pose.  More than I thought i'd be able to get this early coming back to drawing.

Here was the original pose.

Kinda like how this one turned out also.  Although I didnt notice I had already used this pose with Meowstic. Which is why I redid it.