Wednesday, January 6, 2016

UNbecoming "THAT" guy - and Rusty Figure Drawings!

Was originally a topic for here, but i made it an art vlog instead!
Turned out ok.

Im getting back into my daily studies and exercises.  Not a lot more to say other than i feel super rust at them.  I started off doing 40, 30 second drawings just to loosen up a bit.

Dont have a lot to say but it was nice to do these again.  My rhythm felt off, but that will return in time.  Will have to do a lot more.   Then I finished off with a few 2 min figure drawings.  again as more practice.

I originally planned on only doing 10 of these, but i figured hey, why not "over kill"  while it isnt much of an overkill, and certainly doesnt break any of my personal records, it was nice to do a little more.  Found myself being a bit lost when doing these.  I knew i had to do more but i wasnt exactly sure how.  At one time I DID know how, or at least knew how a little better, but I need to revisit the vilppu studies.  That's where i learned the how and will only help remind me when i return.  That would really help with these and any of my other challenges I'm doing.

Haven't posted this in a while so i'll include the link to the website i use for these poses.  Warning though.  There may be naked people oh no!  Some are artistic nudes but fair warning I suppose xD

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