Friday, January 15, 2016

Pokemon Challenge Beedrill #15

Beedrill was up next!
I had a little trouble trying to get this one to look the way I wanted it.  My original attempt (later in this blog) tried to keep Beedrill's smaller limbs but i just couldnt get it to look right.  I kind of liked what I had but In the end I redid the pose and I think it payed off.  I got a bit more creative with the stripes around the leg and neck area.  Like bands or something? *shrugs* i dunno but i liked it haha.

Here's the original picture i scrapped but kinda liked enough to finish and upload anyway
 It just kinda turned into an ant dude or something.

Decided to throw this one here because why not?
Had a bit trouble getting the hair to look right.  This is what it was before i changed it to the image above.

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