Thursday, January 7, 2016

Rusty Sketches, Words & Holiday Nona

Mind was all over the place today so I kinda forgot to post these on time xD
These were 30 seconds again.  Trying to get that flow back.  I kinda surprised myself with being able to at least get the general idea of these.  better than yesterday at least.  I wanted to do more but i'll talk a bit more about that in the words section.

Let's throw some words here instead of at the end.
Had an emotional day.  To make this post less long, I'll just say I've been dealing with this.
It's still a lot to think about.  I had a good talk with an old friend and she gave me a lot of good advice.  The fact that I was feeling those strong emotions from even thinking about that post shows I have a long way to go.  At the same time it was a nice refresher to know the progress I've made to even be able to address that subject, let alone be able to even share it with anybody. 

I just gotta stay focused.  FOCUS FOCUS  I CAN DO THIS!!!  Or so i've heard.

Let's end on a nicer note.  Here's a holiday Nona!
Haven't really drawn her in a while and I wanted to draw holiday themes of her so BAM  Threw a sweater on her and holiday.  I think i used this pose on a picture of her with Gigs.  But meh, i'm not losing any sleep over it.

yes she's spilling her hot cocoa.
no she doesnt care.


did i just type yolo..?


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