Sunday, March 27, 2016

1000 figure sketch challenge 2.0 - Day 2 - (200)

After being so excited about yesterday's turn out I REALLY wanted to top my record of 375 figures in a single day from the last time i did this 1000 figure sketch thing...  However, I just wasnt quite able to keep my head in the game.  My mind kept drifting but...  BUT, i was able to pull myself back
enough to top yesterday.  So at least that happened!

Drawings after the page break.

I managed to fit 50 sketches on one file.  so 4 files 50 sketches each.

While i wasnt able to do the 375 i set out to do, I was able to manage 200 of these things.  The more I do these the more Im seeing areas I need to improve.  Hands feet proportions etc.  BUT that's kind of the beauty of doing these 1 min sketches, the aren't perfect, nore will they ever be perfect.  It's more of an endurance test i suppose.   anyway it's late and im tired.  MORE TOMORROW!

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