Wednesday, March 30, 2016

1000 figure sketch challenge 2.0 - Day 5 - (190 COMPLETE!!)

Today I set out with a goal of completing this challenge.  And I did!
But it's filled with quite a few mixed emotions.

Pictures and more info after the break.

4 total files
3 have 50 sketches
1 has 40 sketches

Finished this challenge again, but why do I feel so weird?  It isn't quite the same feeling the first time, which I kind of expected, but I almost left this challenge really desiring longer studies.  I'm extremely happy that I was able to finish this entire thing in 5 days!  That's actually really cool!  I was able to sit down and crank this thing out much faster than the first time.

I set out to do this challenge not only to reignite that feeling of satisfaction, but to also respark that desire to pick up and draw more.  While the feeling of satisfaction feels a bit odd, I can definitely say I do have that desire to draw more.

Through a large portion of this I had the desire to do longer studies and to learn more.
So I think that's what I will do next.  Along with picking up that pokemon monster girl challenge again ♥

Either way, I am glad I did this.  It's just late and im tired.  I may edit this a bit more when I've had my rest.  But I just hunger to improve my skills.

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