Saturday, March 26, 2016

1000 figure sketch challenge 2.0 - Day 1 - (160)

1000 figures sketches, 7 days, BAM

I've wanted to do this for a good while to get myself back in the groove of things.  To reclaim the flow!  I know it's been a while since I've posted on here but I want that flow back.  The last time I did the 1000 figures it felt like I was on top of the world.  This challenge is less about improving and more about rebuilding a work flow, regaining positive art habits, and overcoming a slump I've been in.

Because these posts tend to be suuuper long i'll put a page break here.

each image contains 20
the first set were 30 seconds each,
every set after were 1 minute each.

And there's the first batch.  Totaling at 160 drawings done.  Wow.  I actually REALLY impressed myself with being able to do so many in the first day.  I started to feel myself remembering old concepts about form and gesture.  It's a good feeling  I Genuinely feel like i could call the challenge off right now and be able to move forward like I want... but I wont!  I will see this thing through.  I know it will be for the best.


Mini update.
I still have a backlog of things to post.  During my absence from the blog i wasn't completely away from art.  Although it did dry up after a while, I do have a few things i have yet to post that i will be getting around to posting soon enough.I at least finished a few things

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