Monday, March 28, 2016

1000 figure sketch challenge 2.0 - Day 3 - (350)

Yesterday I set out to beat my record for most done in a day but just couldn't seem to stay focused.

TODAY...  STILL didn't quite beat it but came pretty freakin close.  My focus was absolutely all over the place this time, but somehow i managed to do far more than the previous days.  And for that I am really happy.

Pictures and more info after the page break.

Managed to do 7 files with 50 each totaling to 350.  Just 25 shy of my previous record, and 50 shy of the 400 I was aiming for.

I had an interesting feeling when doing these of really wanting to dive in to do longer more traditional studies of the figure.  While I know what this challenge is set to achieve, i couldn't help but really want to just sit down and study some more vilppu and anatomy.  The mistakes I am making in these I feel should not be a thing... yet they are..  I suppose it's to be expected after not really studying or doing these in a while.  But I dunno, looking back at them, as usual, they dont look nearly as bad as i thought while drawing them haha.

Either way, I'm super happy with how all of this turned out.
Current total is 710!!  WOW I just added them up!?  In 3 days!?

Now im really impressed XD!


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