Friday, January 14, 2022

The Impossibility of Gamedev - Game Dev Vlog

 An update on the gamedev vlog.

Finally worked up the courage to put this vlog together.  I have been sitting on this one since late last year but never managed to put it together.  

The brain is quite a beast.  Sometimes getting it to do things can take time.  and lots of reflecting.

One of my new year resolutions is to really dive into this game dev stuff.  So it's nice to finally get this one out there.  It's as relevant now as it was back when i recorded it.  

P.S.  Yea I have a game dev channel now.  I started that last year 😅  But the video explains its complications and lack of progress.  🧡

We'll make some real progress this year.  I got a good feeling about 2022.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Body Sketches

Taking a small break from Yoh Yoshinari studies to pull some images from Pinterest.

I really like how these turned out.  Still on the quest of understanding the shapes how things fit together.  Taking that extra minute to measure things out.  really feel the forms and shapes.  

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

The Slow Burn - Art Vlog

Here's that art vlog I recorded.  I didnt want to sit on it for ages like I tend to do sometimes. haha

I'm trying to get that back up and going again.  This one will be a bit of an experiment for longer form content.  I'm just kind of tired of the hyper fast nature of the internet now-a-days.  Surely I cant be the only one...

As much as it feels like I am behind by almost every conceivable metric, the idea of taking things slow has always rubbed me in a weird way.  But everything I've learned and everything I've seen has pointed to that being the correct path to take.  The path to just letting go and having fun with it all.  And I guess I'm ok with that.  As artists we create literal worlds.  Regardless of the quality, that's pretty freakin cool.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

More Yoh Yoshinari Studies and Mouse Girl.

 Really Focusing on the Yoh Yoshinari studies.

It's crazy to think that not long ago I had the most difficulty struggling to even remotely draw the kind of art that really inspired me.

Here are some more of those studies!

Again, really trying to focus on understanding his shape language and why he does the lines shapes and movements that he does.  I felt like I wasnt quite on point with these, but looking back at them they all turned out pretty alright.

I ended up recording a portion of these for a future art vlog.  I'll talk more about it in a later post.

And for no particular reason here's a little character I drew with the mouse.

She's kinda cute.  She has no name.  I kinda want to do more with her though haha.

This is so crazy though.  This picture feels like a random throwback to the early days of the art blog haha.  wow.

Good studies.

Monday, January 10, 2022

Yoh Yoshinari Studies & First Colored Picture of the Year!

I consider these my first Actual drawings of the year!

Things cleared up a tiny bit sooner than expected, so it's time to hop back on that momentum train!

Im very very happy with how these turned out.  These are some studies of Yoh Yoshinari I did.  

My main focus with these were to try to understand his shape language.  Try to understand the distance between objects and put extra focus on trying to really capture that feel, and depth.

Looking at them It's crazy to think I even got these!  Yea they're not perfect, but it's wild.  Trying to put aside mental assumptions of how things should turn out and just focus on creating.  Following my inspirations.

The last one kinda reminded me of Nona.  So I changed a few things, did a few extra random doodles and was ready to call it a night.  I did still want to draw a bit more so shaunzy suggested I draw Nona again.  So I did.

The first colored picture of the year!  I'm so happy with how this one turned out.  Especially considering that I didnt even color anything last year (and yes i still need to upload all the stuff i did last year😅)  I even tried a little foreshortening that I think turned out ok.  🧡

The original doodle she had massive legs, which I didnt have a problem with, but I ended up making them a little smaller for proportion sake.

There were a few other tweaks in there as well but.  that's the original sketch.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

More Doodle.

Few more doodles of shapes and foreshortening.

Im learning that understanding perspective is such an important part.  Even the very basics has helped a ton.  The very tiny details can really help pop something to just "look right"  or at the very least "look better"  No time now, but this will be something I'll keep in mind for future studies.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


 Little skull I tried following along with one of SinixDesigns videos.

Didnt quite finish but busy busy.  This is one i'll definitely be coming back to for a full study.

Here is the video I tried following.

I plan on putting a whole lot more emphasis on reference and studies this year for my art stuff.