Monday, January 10, 2022

Yoh Yoshinari Studies & First Colored Picture of the Year!

I consider these my first Actual drawings of the year!

Things cleared up a tiny bit sooner than expected, so it's time to hop back on that momentum train!

Im very very happy with how these turned out.  These are some studies of Yoh Yoshinari I did.  

My main focus with these were to try to understand his shape language.  Try to understand the distance between objects and put extra focus on trying to really capture that feel, and depth.

Looking at them It's crazy to think I even got these!  Yea they're not perfect, but it's wild.  Trying to put aside mental assumptions of how things should turn out and just focus on creating.  Following my inspirations.

The last one kinda reminded me of Nona.  So I changed a few things, did a few extra random doodles and was ready to call it a night.  I did still want to draw a bit more so shaunzy suggested I draw Nona again.  So I did.

The first colored picture of the year!  I'm so happy with how this one turned out.  Especially considering that I didnt even color anything last year (and yes i still need to upload all the stuff i did last year😅)  I even tried a little foreshortening that I think turned out ok.  🧡

The original doodle she had massive legs, which I didnt have a problem with, but I ended up making them a little smaller for proportion sake.

There were a few other tweaks in there as well but.  that's the original sketch.

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